Tips to Save on Your Auto Insurance When You Have Young Drivers in Your Household:
1. Good grades/Good Student = Auto insurance savings. Be sure to let your Insurance Agent know if your youthful driver has a 3.0 or better grade point average.
2. Before purchasing a car for a youthful driver be sure to call your Insurance Agent for a peixw quote. That way there are no surprises.
3. Part-time driver = best savings. If there are more cars than drivers in your household be sure to make your youthful driver the part-time driver.
4. Rule of thumb: if you are looking for the maximum savings your older, less expensive car is usually going to be the best bet for your youthful driver to have as their assigned car.
5. Have a college student living away from home with their car? If they go to college in a less congested area where there are few claims perhaps they are in an area with better pricing than where you live. Contact your Agent for a quote as to what it will run you having that vehicle at a different garaging address.
6. An overall good rule of thumb is once the youthful driver is in the picture it’s a good time to shop your insurance. The carrier that offered you the best rates in the past may no longer be best priced when insuring a new driver.
7. Drive safely: It helps for youthful drivers to keep their records as clear as possible. If stopped for a traffic violation the best thing they can do is go to traffic school. It really is a substantial savings over paying for a ticket on their record for the next 3 years.
Safe Driving Tips for Youthful Drivers:
1. Stay off your cell phone.
2. Do not text while driving.
3. Remember to turn on your headlights.
4. Follow the rules of the road.
5. Minimize distractions…wait to eat until after you are done driving.
6. Practice defensive driving: be aware of the road around you. Know what’s going in front of you, behind you, and to each side of you.
At Sparrow General Insurance Agency we can help you save when insuring youthful drivers. Call us today for a no-obligation price quote at 310-379-0605.